I attended another wonderful SCBWI (Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators) Conference this past February. I was able to listen to the wonderful Nathan Hale talk about his illustration career and even got him to sign his Frankenstein book for me. I didn't know he had used a pseudonym for this book. I guess I should have realized that Ludworst Bemonster was just to perfect of a name for a book titled FRANKENSTEIN!
There was an illustration challenge for the conference. If an illustrator wanted to participate, he or she was to pick a scene from the Tortoise and the Hare or a scene from the first two chapters of Treasure Island and illustrate it any way he/she wanted. I chose the Tortoise and the Hare to illustrate. This is what I came up with:
Kristyn Crow joined us for the day. She taught us about writing children's books and shared her new book, Zombelina, with us. She is such a talented writer! This story is dang cute! It was a pleasure to have her there and I sure appreciate her giving up a day in her busy life to spend it with us. Thanks, Kristyn!
I went home feeling inspired and ready to face the world again! Thanks to everyone who put it all together!